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I woke up in the morning

without a care in the world

grab my binders

and my stomach had twirled


“What day is it?”

I thought as I looked at the time

I had to get to school

In 10 minutes prime


I grabbed my stuff

grabbed a cereal bar on the way

got my lunch out of the fridge

and said “Now I don’t need to pay.”


I got on the bus and off I went

then I remembered something

I looked through my binder

I have done a dumb thing


“I forgot my homework,”

I said with a squirm

Everyone will laugh at me

and i’ll look like a worm


“But wait.” I thought

as I checked the date

“Its Friday!” I said

Now lets not be late


Thank god its Friday

or I would get caught

but Its a B-day

well at least that’s what I thought


My Poems

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They are happy

They are sad

They are my freedom

A way to express my thoughts and feelings

They are adventurous

They are challenges

That I am willing to take

They are my utopia

They have no rules

They twist

And they turn

They go right

They go left

They go up

And they go down

They are a voice for us

But they also show our weakness and how frail we are

They are short

But they can be long

They tell stories

But can confuse us

They are…….

My Poems


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A time for new beginnings


When the cruel winter blows away in a gust of wind


The pleasant spring rain comes in


It prepares us for the bright and colorful summer just ahead


The rain washes away our worries of the cold


April comes in


Bringing life to everything


Bringing joy to all good things


Bringing happiness through the land

