SOL: 5th Grade Graduation

The first good thing about graduation was no school work!!! We sang two songs first and then went to meet our parents. I chose to stay and we went back to class and watched a movie. I can’t remember what it was called but it was fun. We ate lunch while we watched the movie and then went to the gym and their were two bouncy houses. One was a obstacle course and the other was surfing. I did both and they were really fun. There were really long lines so I waited for most of the time. Also we got ice cream and there was a photo booth!! It was an awesome experience. I went home and we went to Blue Ridge Grill for dinner. I got a phone!!! I was so happy. As you can see 5th grade graduation was awesome.

One Response

  1. AAA at |

    That sounds like it was a lot of fun!


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