Month: April 2018
Christmas: SOL: Poem
Christmas is awesome
Christmas is a possum
Christmas is a poem
Christmas is so cool,you show em
Christmas is going away in one day
Christmas oh Christmas, you should really stay
Christmas is awesome in many different ways
Christmas has left and I am very sad
Christmas was the best and now it feels so bad
Christmas is a buddy, it will show you the way
Christmas is a is so fun it will make you say yay
Christmas is Christmas and lets show santa you say hooray
What is Better?
Poetry Friday/SOL
Poems are a road of twist and turn
Poems are a road of no return
Poems can be wise or poems can be soft
Poems can rise or poems can be on a loft
Poems can make you quiver
Poems can make you drop
Poems are the life of creativity at its peak,
Oh no it’s a flop!
Poems can can have fun
Poems can be on the run
Poems can be a lion
Poems can be written in a place named zion.
Poems are a source
Poems are remorse
Poems are a happy song
Poems can be made wrong
Poems are many different things for many different people but everyone knows one thing about poems, poems are just poems.
Feeling: Poetry
Your mind transcends into a parallel universe
Your body bends into a metamorphosis and changes you
The light at the end of the street turns on
The guy on the news is just a con
For in your mind you are not yourself
You are another person that is living in a world of twist and turn
Your brother goes into the city of no return, you go into the village where the sun burns
Your sandwich falls on the street and there is no sauce left for you to eat
But instantly it fills with water and makes it self into a monster and eats you alive
But you make it out by cutting it with a sword
For in your mind you are a god, someone that cannot get hurt or injured
You are the person people look up to and make dolls out of
Because you are a human, a being and you need to make yourself feel better
You are a child the most precious of all