aLmOst sUmMer

Hello blog how is everyone? The last time I blogged I talked about there being only a month left of school. That is very exciting to me. Everytime I get stressed out about my work or tests I remind myself that school is almost out!! Summer is going to be fun and all, but i’m still going to have assignments to do, because I will get homework to do for my AP classes. I’m taking two AP classes and a dual enrollment class which is basically an AP class. One of my Aps is AP Psych. In this class I know there is a summer assignment where I have to read a book and write an essay on it. I’ve heard from people who took it this year that it was easy and not complicated. My other AP class is AP Seminar. I have no idea what assignment there is going to be or if there is going to be one given out to us. I was looking forward to a break from school work this summer, but I guess that’s what happens when you take these type of classes. I made my two aps my elective classes because i figured it would be easier than a core ap class. Im hoping next year will be fun and easy, but I am also anticipating some stress because of the SAT and whatnot.  Thank you blog for tuning into this weeks blog see you next week!!!

Only a month left!!!!

Hey blog how is everyone on this fine day? Yesterday was a little bit of a roughy for me. I was just hit with this huge amount of unnecessary stress. I was just overthinking all the upcoming sols and tests, but I know I’ll do good. Anyway moving on from this negativity school end in almost a month!! I can’t wait until summer starts. School is fun and all but it was a little bit too hectic at times. Summer is going to be a nice break from everything. I also came to a final decision about class that i’m taking next year.  I really enjoyed this school year and my teachers. I’m excited to see what next year has to bring to the table!!

Spring break!!

Hola blog welcome back! There are 2 more days till spring break officially starts. I am so excited and happy to have a break off school. These past couple of months have been exhausting and stressful. It’s okay though I’ve made a major improvement compared to late years. School is also almost over just a few months. That means sol and testing is also upon us, which is a little stressful but I know I’ll do fine because positivity is always key. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and hope everyone has a great spring break!!  Enjoy your break and have fun!!! See you later blog.

School Tingz!! (sorry for this title i ran out of ideas 😞)

Hello blog how is everyone on this fine day? I am just finishing up the quarter and turning in all my work. This quarter has seemed to go by so fast. I feel like just yesterday I was worrying about turning in work for 3rd quarter. Anyway, sol season is almost upon us. I’m going to be honest, I am a little scared. The test I’m the most worried about is the AP world history test. It wouldn’t be as stressful if there weren’t DBQs and LEQs. These are essay questions. The main stress is remembering dates and specific information off the top of your head. The other tests and sols are manageable. Moving on from this stressful topic, I had a meeting with my counselor to figure and somewhat finalize the classes I’m going to be taking next year. I decided to drop AP lang as a class and take English 11 Honors. I decided to drop the class because stress of AP lang would probably overwhelm me. I also dropped French 5 and decided to take AP seminar. I wanted to take another AP class to make up for me dropping AP lang. I’m also taking dual enrollment for history instead of APUSH, which is AP US history. Just wanted to share my mindset on my classes and what im taking :)). Thanks for tuning into another blog see you guys next week!!

RoUgh wEEk 😥😢😕

Hello blog welcome back to another week. This week has indeed been rough. Usually I say my week is rough , but it progressively gets better. This week did not get better for various reasons. The first reason is my good mans laila aka my mom is on a little trip, so she is not home. I miss her greatly, but she’s coming back next Wednesday. The second reason is school has been crazy. I missed one day of school last week and all my grades decided to drop. My grades only dropped because of the classwork I missed. My teachers gave me my missed work and I turned most of them in, but my teachers have not put them in the gradebook. I’m not as worried as I could be because the quarter ends on the 28th and its currently the 22nd. A mixture of these things and other things are what made my week rough, but I am going to try my best to be positive and keep my head up!

Interesting Week??

Hey blog welcome back. School has been going well academically. I’m happy about where my grades stand. Something interesting happened a few days ago. I was walking in the hallways as one would do and someone walked up to me and said and I quote, “Are you okay you seem sad and unhappy.” I was and still am quite confused, because when i walk in the halls I am always happy. I asked a few others if they think I look sad in the halls too and they all agreed and said I do. Now that people have pointed that out I have made it a mission of mine to look even happier than I think I do! I hope you all will see the improvement in my mood. Thank you for tuning into this blog 😀  see you next week. Also shoutout to my pal Sarah for showing me how to add emojis into my blogs!!

Tragic Occurrence.

Hello blog welcome back. I have some bad news for everyone. I have failed a math quiz. I had a good grade streak going on, but that all ended after I took my kites and trapezoids quiz. My grade went down from an 88% to an 85%. I’m glad it didn’t drastically change my grade. Moving onto a positive note, my other grades are where I want them to be. School itself has been boring and mediocre. This quarter has been going by slow compared to last quarter, which is weird considering second quarter is known for feeling the shortest because of the snow days. Well blog,since nothing that interesting has happened recently im going to have to peace out for now. Thank you for tuning in see you next week!

Time is flying!

Hey blog welcome back

It’s the end of 2nd quarter. Time has honestly been passing by so fast! I’m pleased with where my grades stand and how I ended this quarter. I hopefully will continue to improve and get better in the next 2 quarters. Other than that all my classes are going well. As you might remember from the last blog I have been trying to put together what classes I want to take next year. I have my basic classes picked out, but I am still debating which electives I should take and which ones will benefit me the most. I am close to finishing up choosing my classes. I’m picking my classes at such an early time, because I know when it’s time to finalize my classes I will be very busy with focusing my efforts on my school work. I won’t have enough time to be thinking deeply about next year or what I am taking, which would not be good for me when next year rolls around. Thank you guys for tuning in to this weeks blog see you next week!

Good week in the titan territory

Hey blog

How is everyone this week? I’m having a good week. I took some very important cumulative tests. I did pretty good on all of them, but I did the best on my psych test. At first I thought taking regular psych was a bad decision, because I heard so many people complaining about the workload in Ap psych. I’m glad that i took regular psych now. My other classes are going good and I still have until the 17th of this month to bring up my grades. I think I’ll be ending this quarter with good grades! I’m also starting to think about some classes I want to take next year. I have some in mind, but I’m still debating if i should take personal finance or AP economics. I heard that AP economics is difficult, but I won’t have to take an end of the year test. I still have a long time to decide between what classes I’m going to be taking. Thank you for tuning in this week see you guys later!

Update on math!!

Hey blog

I hope everyone is having a great week. I personally had a great week. I had a few stressful moments, but other than that everything has been smooth. I had a big math test on Wednesday. I ended up getting a B- on it which isn’t the best, but i’m improving! If you’ve been following my blogs you might remember my second blog “Teacher raged on the class” where my teacher got mad at my class. Well, that teacher hasn’t always been the nicest teacher I’ve ever had if you know what I mean. Although lately she has been extremely nice to us. I am extremely grateful for that. If the teacher is nice then it somewhat takes the pressure off of me. School is going pretty smoothly right now. Thank you guys for tuning in,see you next week!