Recently I went to NYC! Let me tell you, it was amazing! The air was slightly polluted and always crowded but besides that it was really enjoyable. Today’s story time will be about how amazingly weird NYC is.

Let’s begin with the traffic. We almost got in an accident about 20 times. We were only there for 2 days and half the time we were walking. My feet are still sore might I add. People are so aggressive and rude. Even if there is no space they continue to try and cut you off. Half the time people weren’t even worried about hitting you. They were more worried about getting past you.

The weirdest part about the traffic is you’d think people out of traffic would rude too, but everyone is so nice. Everyone is friendly and so helpful. Half the time if you look lost and someone notices, even without asking they will try and help you navigate the city. We lost our hotel card in a store and I swear more customers then employees helped find that thing. Like how sweet!

See the source image

While I don’t want to live in New York City forever I definitely think it is an experience to live there for a year. Plus their bagels are splendid.