The Power of Music

Music has expanded so much. Music has been apart of life since the beginning. Now i cant get the hunters and gathers to support be on that, but i have a feeling.

For me personally music is amazing. I can get lost in a song and have it on reply for the whole day and i would still get the same feeling from when i first listened to it. Then ill over play it and ruin if for myself. Music comes and so many forms. From sad to happy, to rock to indie. There is a great selection for everyone. Music can help people understand their feelings or relate to the music because of their music. This happened to me recently.

It was early in the morning and i had to be at school before the sun even came up. By the time i was at school i was grumpy and really not in a good mood. I had to change in the locker room and in the process me and this girl, we will call her Stacy, she was playing some up beat music. I was in a grumpy mood and ‘Dont Stop me Now’ was playing. All of the sudden i couldn’t help but dance. My spirits went up and i had faith in the world for a second. Not only did music cheer me up but i made a new friend.

Music is amazing is all i have to say