February 2021

What Happens to YOU During a Nuke?

a small-scale nuke on a city scroll down to play   Welcome to CITY XX Population: Average 1st Life ♥ ♥ ♥ Sunlight streams down from a baby blue sky as you wander through the…

Our Aquatic Ancestors

As much as there’s a lot we don’t know about the ocean, there’s also a lot of phenomena about how our own bodies evolved that we don’t yet understand. In fact, it’s very likely that…

2021 Award Winning Books

During their annual midwinter conference, the American Library Association (ALA) hosts the annual Youth Media Awards (in library land, it’s like the Grammys, but for books). All year, leading up to the event, bibliophiles host…

Matsu Sushi (Restaurant Review)

Sushi, arguably the most popular aspect of Japanese cuisine, can be hard to perfect. However, a cozy restaurant in Centreville called Matsu Sushi does exactly that.  From colorful Rainbow Rolls to spicy Funky Rolls, Matsu…

The Equation of the Heart

Valentine’s Day is one of the most widely celebrated holidays on our calendar. The whole school, parking lot, neighborhood, (basically everywhere) seems to be filled with flurries of red and pink hearts, chocolates, and cherubs….

Circe (Book Review)

This book was beautiful.  The novel Circe by Madeline Miller was a novel that I initially approached with trepidation. Novels based on mythology are typically known for being associated with children’s literature or controversy, due…

It Lives in My Laundry

There is a laundry monster in the machine, Rumble and tumble, It loves to be clean. It eats my socks and leaves only one. It likes to hum when the washing is done. The laundry…

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