Realistic Fiction - 342 pages - published 2004
I found the book, CHERUB, to be an amazing book with a blend of action, suspense, and great character development. The book revolves around an organization called CHERUB and the main character, James. James is recruited as a spy for CHERUB, an organization that recruits young children for information gathering and other missions. As the book goes on, James develops as a spy and as a person, which makes him incredibly interesting and relatable. He is smart but reckless, who is going through maybe a little bit more than he can handle. I rate this book 5 out of 5 starsĀ because of its amazing plot and characters. Enjoy!
I feel that the book club unit was interesting and fun, but went by a little fast and was slightly rushed. We had to read each section about every two days, which I thought was a little fast. I liked that we got to choose our books and book club groups, and I thought that the discussions went very well. Something I would change is the amount of time we have to read the books. For me it would be preferred to read the whole book in 3 – 4 weeks instead of reading in sections. Finally, I think that we should keep the blog posts for being held accountable to read the book.