Book Club Meeting 3 // CHERUB

In our third meeting of our book club, we discussed the third part of the book, CHERUB. I had two open-ended questions that we discussed in our group. One was if two of the kids, Sebastian and Clark, who had been introduced to the book as two friends who were very cruel, had a chance of becoming better people. I was wondering this because it was possible that James had an influence on them, and it might’ve affected how they would act in the future. We discussed this, and concluded that they would probably stay the same because they were bullied every day, and would not be able to resist their cruel ways. Another question I had was that if the two antagonists, Fire and World, were in different circumstances, could they have used their skills to change the world. I was wondering this because they were both proficient in academics, mostly biology, and they were able to create a virus to try to kill some guests at a conference. We decided that it was possible that they could’ve used their skills in a different way. They could’ve changed the world, but they wasted it on a bad cause. Some other highlights of our discussion were about Bruce and Greg Jennings. Greg Jennings was beat up by Bruce because he disrespected James’ family. Shrinav, one of our group members, was wondering why he did this. This was already written in the book, so we changed the question to, how could’ve Bruce taught him a lesson differently. Some answers that came up was that he could’ve talked to him instead, or just ignored him.

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