Teacher comes to me, student in tow, explaining that the student was having trouble downloading images using the web site: (not in Catalog). ummmm, I say. But other teachers have used it in presentations, says she. Sigh, says I.
So here’s the thing. There are a few real-world, rubber-meets-the-road reasons why the Ed Tech Catalog is not working the way it should. And believe me, I do wish it would.
– In general, Admin does not require it. Or support it. Or, generally, support any restriction on activities. Which level of admin? Safety and Security is still not a priority. Witness use of blind links, URL shorteners, and just a scattershot approach to, well, everything. Principals have not been convinced that the use of the Ed Tech Catalog is mandatory. Pretty hard to tell teachers to be creative, and then tie their hands.
– Some of the tools approved are much harder to use than tools that are not approved.
– TRTs have just lost the authority we once had. Perhaps, as IF,Ts, we will re-gain it. Perhaps.

Looking forward to comments on this. Let me say that I may be editing this as I go.