My Day So Far

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My day so far is going okay. It took me a while to open my locker because my locker was jammed and when I finally opened it, someone closed it. That really made me angry so a punched my locker door and now my hand hurts so much. I was late to english because of that. I was almost late to both science and math because my locker was jammed between those blocks as well. The rest of the day is jam packed. I have to practice for a singing concert which is out of state and after that I have a math meetup. Right after that I have my last Vex meet because states is tomorrow and we have to leave early in the morning. I have a busy day ahead of me. It’s going to be hard but lots of fun!

The Pen Cemetery

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The pen cemetery is a place where dead pens can rest in peace. AAA(from The Reader Life), The Writer (from Shorties), and I have created this idea to hold a memorial for the pens who have served our classroom in an admirable matter. These pens deserve to be honored and other pens can/will be added. Those pens still have a second shot though. When we got more pens…they came with REFILL packs!! Awesome right? I can’t wait to create this!

The Start

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Hi i’m ThatAsianKid. I will post a variety of things including food blogs, my daily life, stories, and gaming. Oh yeah and the occasional ramen noodles. Be sure to always be reading and I’ll see you every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday!

