The next generation

Id like to firstly say no, i am not that old but time is also so long yet so short. Although i have had my years. I’ve lived in my neighborhood my whole life. Almost everyone is my neighborhood babysat me or i just popped up in their house. We have a common area in my neighborhood and my parents would always let me play there and when they wanted be back inside my mom would do this crazy loud whistle that everyone in the neighborhood knew of. Once i got to the age of 10 id run around to everyone’s house and say hello and play. I didn’t tell my mother so everyone knew if i ended up at their house to call Barbara to let her know. I had my generation of friends and people my age and my brother had his and so did my sister. It was crazy to me how people started to move away or split apart. Our neighborhood was very tight and when time came for the ‘Next generation’ to take over i was confused and quiet honestly sad. Now i see the little kids playing in the common area i once played in and every once in awhile i hear parents calling in their kid. I love my neighborhood and its growth.

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