The Future Polariod Camera

One day you go to the store and you see this camera you have always wanted, you see that it is called a polariod and it costs $10. You buy it and take it home, you open the box and see that is says,”shows the future”. You don’t know what that means so you just take a picture of your hallway with nothing in it, after you take the picture you notice your cat is in the picture and when you look in the hallway, nothing is there. 5 minutes later your cat comes through the hallway towards you. You think”does this camera really show the future 5 minutes later?” Then you take a picture of the door and you see on the picture that your friends are there. 5 minutes later your same friends come. You say” OMG this camera can really show the future!!” The next day you get up and grab your camera and take a picture of the window to see if anything bad is going to happen, you see that on the picture is a robber with a bat. So you see your mom outside and you shout” MOM GET INSIDE!! THERE IS A BAD PERSON COMING SOON!!!!” so she comes inside and locks the door and pulls the curtains so that he can’t see us. 5 minutes later someone comes knocking, your mom looks through the peephole and sees the bad guy with a bat. So your camera can really tell the future 5 minutes later. If your friend gets this camera too, you better warn them.

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