Veteran’s Day

Why do veterans deserve respect?

Veterans deserve respect because they die trying to fight for their country and making sure everyone is safe. My uncle was in the military when I was 6 years old, when he came back he had a cast on his leg, he said that he got shot in the leg. Then a few months later, he was healed but couldn’t fight for a year. Lots of other veterans had more severe injuries. We should always celebrate Veterans Day, cause our relatives who fought would be proud that where safe and sound. Veterans don’t just shoot people for no reason, they fight side by side with honor. It takes lots of practice and drills just to be ready for anything, It may even take a whole year to be ready for fights, attacks, and more. Even people who are very close to you die trying to keep you safe.

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I am Thankful For…..

I am thankful for my family, friends, life, my phone, my computer, my school, my teachers, my clothes, food, my water bottle, my shoes, to learn, restaurants I go to, my school chromebook, animals, nature, popsicles, cupcakes, sour patch, cake, my headphones, and my books. I have a lot more things I am thankful for, but I can’t remember them right now. 😊😂🙏