So now comes to the end of my blog! :(. Any way yesterday was a awesome second-last day of E.D.G.E! So we had parents night, and I was in the Forensics group! Everything went well for the presentation…surprisingly.Forensics is the scientists that find who did the crime. I loved the subject so much that I wanted to be a Forensics scientist when I grow up! we also had this thing called asteroids and we have to build a bunker for people to survive a meteorite crash. So we are going to build our bunker today and it will be so awesome, its gonna have a double floor and more than one room! It will be so awesome any way. after that I got cake, cleaned up, went home, slept and came to school and now I am here typing. Well it was nice to have a blog like this and I hoped you enjoyed! !o Bye!!! 🙂 <3