Spring Edge blog session

Hi blog! I now at the spring part of E.G.D.E ! :0 😀 🙂

we learned today on rebel girls like Billy Jean (tennis player) (rebel means to not follow rules or the way people do every thing (like trends) We are also doing math challenges (which are hot messes 🙁 ). We are also building robots for a competition!

that’s all!                                                                                                                                                                                        Yas

Parent night.

One day on 11-11-18 Me Yas, Anthony, and Fabolia. Where practicing our edge presentation : Our google slides on the harry potter wands, ( our poster board, and our wand demonstration itself. (we got picked on this because of our skills) We where practicing in front of the teachers. When it was time for the parents to come we where all ready for the presentation but at the same time we where all nervous.( I felt like this 🙂 🙁 😀 ) but I was more confident on the presentation we all had fun on the project though. So that’s the end of this part of my blog. Stay posted!

Harry potter wands.

I very much liked the harry potter wands today.The wands really worked today they did not glitch today. Before this blog post Me and Jerson (My partner) had lots of problems with the wands.turns out that the problem is too many people; like if I where next to another person with a wand our wand would get confused with which i-pad to use.Today we finished with the wand project. Mine was an owl communicating with sparks (particles). Actually if you saw my second blog post I thought that the harry potter wands where Owls! how funny! Anyway the wands where nice until I met SAMS LABS. SAMS LABS are another coding fun thing but they have awesome blocks ( like objects. Just so you know) that you can code to move or make sounds!

Bye! 🙂


Super Heroes

I used to think that superheroes where made in 1 week;but now I know that superheroes might actually take a month! In E.D.G.E we are making superheroes.My friend Ayana is making a super villain though (I don’t now why?!)   My superhero is…THE MORPH .She can morph into any living animal! cool right? I though it would be funny that robbers would see a bunny in the bank. but then it morphs into a bear and chases the robbers away! so thats it for superheroes.

See ya!

Hand to Mind

Hi !Today we worked on Hand to Mind. its where you have to make this “Hand” to help people with back problems pick things up. Today we where very straight forward. I worked with a well focused team; But we fooled around with our materials and we had to rush at the end of the class. we didn’t win but it was a nice experience!

stay tuned!                                                                                                                                                                                           Yas