Bird Box- The Movie that Went Viral

Bird Box has taken the internet by storm these past couple of weeks.  I’ve seen mentions of it from my Instagram feed to Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show so naturally I felt inclined to check it out over Winter Break.


Bird Box is a story about Malery, an extremely introverted artist that forces herself to become a leader when a mysterious force arrives in the US that compels people to kill themselves when they look at it.  After being fortunate enough to survive the initial impact of the monster, she learns of a safe haven just down the river of where she living.  In the interest of survival, she wants to go to this rumored place.  The only problem is she has two children and they all have to be blindfolded to protect themselves from the monster.

Image result for bird box on the river


Overall, I’d give this movie a mashed rating.  Before you hate on me, I genuinely liked the concept of the movie.  I really enjoy watching movies that try to theorize the inevitable end of our world, and I did not see a suicide monster being one.  The biggest complaint I have about this movie is the way they structured it.  The directors chose a Megamind storytelling approach and showed bits and pieces of the end of the movie as exposition.  Little did they know they were spoiling the rest of the movie because we know exactly what happens to all the side characters introduced during the movie; they die.  Once I realized this, it greatly took away from my viewing experience.


Aquaman- Black Panther Underwater

I watched Aquaman opening night with low expectations.  Before this movie, it was really hard to like DC.  Movies like Justice League and Batman vs. Superman just didn’t do it for me.  I’m happy to report though that Aquaman is worth your time.


Aquaman is about Arthur and his journey to claim his rightful spot as King of Atlantis.  He faces adversity along the way in the form of his half brother, and decides the only way to become king is by getting the Trident of Neptune.

Image result for aquaman scenes

Conclusion and Rating-

Honestly I feel bad for this movie.  I love Jason Momoa and think he is really steering the DC movies in the right direction.  However, Marvel beat them to the punch with the whole “king rises to the throne plot” which makes Aquaman feel like a Black Panther gimmick.  I’d give this movie a stale rating. It’s definitely one of the better DC movies and I’m excited what DC has in store for the future.

Avengers 4: Endgame Trailer Breakdown

We finally have a taste of the next Avengers movie after the huge cliffhanger Infinity War left us with.  This 2 minute trailer is jam packed with loads of details that might be intimidating at first glance.  I hope to make this trailer more digestible for the everyday person with this breakdown.

Tony Stark Stranded on a Spaceship


Suitless and defeated after his battle on Titan with Thanos, Tony Stark aimlessly drifts through space with no way to get home.  He states how he ran out of food and oxygen, and as a last hope, makes a log for anyone who is able to retrieve it.

Thanos Triumphs


In this shot, we can see that Thanos has hung up his trusty battle armor.  He’s completed his goal of killing half the world, and can now live the rest of his life peacefully.

Familiar Faces Return


Heros like Hawkeye and Ant-Man are back, and I have the feeling they are going to play a big part in Avengers 4.  If you didn’t know where these guys were during Infinity War, Ant-Man was under house for the crimes he committed in Civil War and Hawkeye decided to hang up his bow to live with his family.

My Thoughts on the New Lion King

Out of nowhere, Disney has recently teased the realistic remake of their beloved movie the Lion King.  A lot of people think Disney is just paying tribute to the fans. However, I believe they have run out of original ideas.

Overall, the Lion King is not a good candidate for a remake.  Disney has a lot to lose from their reimagination; one wrong move could spoil the reputation of the classic movie.  Also, some parts of the cartoon original are going to be flat out hard to translate realistically.  Here are some examples:

Scar’s Character- Scar plays an important role in the story.  I just hope they can do his character justice through his look.

Image result for scar lion king

Mufasa’s Death- Since the original movie was cartoon, Disney was able to censor the potentially brutal scene for the younger audience.  What are they going to do now that it’s realistic?  Surely they won’t show a trampled Mufasa.

Image result for mufasa's death

Cloud Mufasa’s Advice for Simba- This scene is really going to put on full display Disney’s commitment to this movie.  This scene is very taxing visually and is going to be a challenge for even modern CGI.Image result for mufasa speaks to simba

Coco- Another Pixar Masterpiece

In honor of Dia de los Muertos and the snow day, I decided to watch Pixar’s Coco on Netflix.  Going into this movie, I had low expectations.  I thought it was going to be too childish for my taste.  Just like the rest of Pixar classics, this movie defies age.  It can appeal and even force a tear out of everyone.


Coco is a story about Miguel and his struggle to become a musician during the Day of the Dead holiday.  Things quickly go south when Miguel decides to steal the guitar from the beloved musician Ernesto de la Cruz.  As soon as he plucks the strings, he phases to the Undead World.  Miguel’s mission suddenly changes.  He needs to find an ancestor’s blessing before sun rises and he gets trapped among the dead.

Image result for miguel strikes the guitar coco


Overall, I’m giving this movie a fresh rating.  Part of why I love this movie so much is how Spanish culture assimilated into the movie.  It’s not done in an offensive or stereotypical way, but as a means to educate people on the holiday.  Since we live in such a diverse country, I think it’s important that we learn about and accept our differences.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi- 1 Step Forward for the Universe

Episode 8 of Star Wars was definitely revolutionary, but was it what all Star Wars Fans wanted?

The Good

The movie did 2 things that this movie nailed

1). Appealing to old Star Wars Fans- They brought back Luke Skywalker as a mentor figure and Yoda as a ghost.  Do I need to say more?

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2). Using new cinematic technology- The scene towards the end over the movie where the rebel ship jumps into lightspeed and crashes into the empire command ship is an absolute masterpiece of screenplay.  It never fails to send chills down my spine.Image result for light speed crash in the last jedi

The Bad

I think this movie wanted to be innovative and as a result had a lot of issues.

1). The Leia Flying through Space Scene- Prior to The Last Jedi, we had never seen Leia use the force.  However, that doesn’t explain the fact she was able to survive the vacuum of space without a spacesuit.

Image result for leia in space last jedi

2). Death of Snoke- This scene definitely surprised people in the audience, but I think it was a cheap way to turn some heads.  The character was undeveloped.  By killing him, Disney lost out on a lot of story potential.

Image result for death of snoke last jedi

3). James Corden- Look, I know he is a super well known figure and Star Wars fan, but does that really justify him getting screen time?  I feel like sticking him into a movie series with such a rich history undermines the gravity of this type of movie.

Image result for james corden cameo in the last jedi

The Rating

Overall, I would give this movie a fresh rating.  I think people like to bash on this movie because it is different from the original Star Wars trilogy.  If people can learn look past that, they’ll finally see the good in the movie.




The Rotten Potatoes


Movies are one of the best mediums to share stories, experiences, and ideas.  Join me as I expose the ups and fatal flaws of trending films.  (Spoiler Alert)

The Rating System

Rotten– A movie that is actually unbearable to watch.  Imagine the condition of the potatoes during the famine in Ireland; not pleasant

Image result for rotten potato

Mashed–  This rating pertains to a movie that had a good concept, but wasn’t able to live up to the hype.

Image result for mashed potato

Stale– Neither an groundbreaking movie nor a terrible one.  It’s like that one potato that is neglected in the freezer, but is always there for you when you don’t have anything else to eat.

Image result for frozen baked potato

Fresh– Every starch lovers dream.  A movie that receives this rating has fantastic plot that can be enjoyed time and time again

Image result for fresh french fries