How does CTE affect the lives of NFL players? What even is CTE? How does CTE develop? How long does CTE take to develop? What is the current research on CTE? Has the NFL done anything about CTE? Can the brain heal from CTE? Can you stop CTE from progressing? Can CTE only be seen after death? How does CTE affect the lives of those with the condition?
Tomato blog asf
The tomato: used for salads, burgers, condiments, and pizza. An atrocious food by itself, but when used for something else taste splendid. Mr. Tomato is red all around with a heart shape at the top where the green leaves used to be. The heart shape at the top alongside the red body make it look like he’s filled of love. He has a couple lumps on his sides with some dark bruises like a old veteran who’s been in war. Mr. Tomato has a couple white spots around him as if he stayed in the sun to long as a child. This tomato looks extremely tired as if he’s on his last life. He’s holding onto something, but you can tell he wants to give up.
Two days later, the tomato has gotten older. The white spots have turned darker, his bruises bigger, and his skin softer. His green leaves have fallen off the top. The tomato knows he’s old and his time almost up. He’s still a beautiful tomato glaring red as if he’s in his prime. He is still fighting to live longer proving he’s still valuable. When he’s done what will he become? Will he stay a tomato, become ketchup, pizza sauce only time will tell.
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