Avengers Infinity War; A Movie Of a Lifetime

                 The movie of a lifetime is almost here! Avengers Infinity War is about to make cinematic history. Who else is excited as I am for this movie ??!!! I honestly am most excited about the Frickin Guardians of the Galaxy finally meeting the Avengers. Now all they need is the Fantastic Four and X-men to join so all of our favorite heroes can be together at last. This is going to be at least nominated for an Oscar hopefully. Since this is the first superhero movie to contain 76 superheroes. That’s enough to last you for a long while.

As long as this lives to the hype it will be a big success. Either way, this movie will definitely make Justice league look like a little shrimp. However, I do wish that the X-men and Fantastic Four could be in Infinity War and the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). They just don’t work best on their own, they need to be included in this shared universe. We should have Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the MCU to fully have used his skills as Wolverine. I just want it too be like the comics where you can encounter anyone at any given moment. That is why Disney needs to buy Fox, so we can have all the characters we love altogether in a shared universe.

Well anyway, go see Avengers Infinity War in theaters April 27th and make sure to leave a comment down below and follow my blog.  Thank you for reading.

Black Panther Is Almost Here!!!!!!

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Black Panther is almost here! Who else is excited for it! This already is set to make 170 million dollars on opening weekend. Also will be the Marvel movie with most African Americans in it. However there are some questions for sure. What will the credits scene(s) be at the end of it? Will it connect to infinity war? WIll it be showing Bucky finally being ready to fight again for infinity war? What cameos will happen? Will it end right before infinity war happens like Thor Ragnarok did or leave a few months space? So in all this movie is about to be lit and will reveal more about infinity war, which will come out May 4th. Which I now realize is May the 4th otherwise known as Star Wars day. This will be interesting, an Avenger’s movie coming out on Star Wars day. Thanks a lot for the confusion Disney. Well Thanks for reading and see you at the theaters to watch Black Panther this Friday!