I recently completed a project in my Comms class where we had to create and present a Ted Talk. It was both enjoyable and challenging, but let me tell you about my process. Firstly, I had to come up with an idea, which proved to be quite difficult, but after extensive research about success, I decided on Time Management. I then researched the topic and completed the planning sheet. Next, I worked on my slideshow using a template and including the color theory of green to make it more persuasive. I wrote my script word-for-word like an essay and made bullet points on flashcards to help me with small details. I practiced assertive presenting techniques and rehearsed until I was confident in my abilities. However, I faced a minor setback when I lost my original flashcards and had to quickly create new ones. After more practice, I went over my presentation with a friend before finally delivering it. This project was one of the most challenging ones I have done, but I found it interesting and hope to do more like it in the future.
My Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YaKcqOKALJTuYhgDyLsop99auBD9FWk8cvormtafgAk/edit#slide=id.g75062aece0_0_383