Blogging Challenge- Week Eight

Hey everybody! Emma here, for the eighth and final week of the 2019 Student Blogging challenge. Sorry it’s so late! I really enjoyed the challenge and hope to participate next year. This was my first year participating, and I liked it a lot.

Over the course of the challenge I completed six out of the eight posts (this being the seventh). My class skipped week six to work on something else, but I otherwise completed all of them. My favorite post out of all of them is either week seven, week three, or week five. I love drawing (which was an aspect of weeks three and seven), and the creative writing aspect of week three was really fun. I also love Broadway musicals and video editing, which I got to do in week five’s post.

As of when I’m writing this, my blog has gotten a total of 22 comments and 462 visitors! I know it’s not much compared to people on YouTube or Tumblr, but it’s huge for me. Everyone’s comments were so fun to read. I think it’s really important to comment on others blogs. It helps us connect with each other, even if we’re not in the same part of the world.

I think that even though the Blogging Challenge is over, I’m definitely going to keep blogging. I’ve really enjoyed the experience and I want to keep going with it.

Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can return the favor!

A-Z: Crazy Childhood Story

A-Z: Crazy Childhood Story

A crazy story from my weird childhood.

Hello there, fellow humans. I have one amazing story to tell you. I barely remember it, but it’s been retold so many times in my family I know it perfectly. Me and my sister, Lily, were about six years old at the time. We had these cool little toys of Disney Princesses, and we were playing with them.

One thing you need to know: The dolls came with little clothes and shoes to dress them up in. The shoes were very small, an easy size for children to swallow or stick somewhere they shouldn’t. Not the best idea for a children’s toy.

So, Lily and I are playing, and, I don’t know what she was thinking, maybe she thought it would be funny, but she grabs a tiny green Tiana shoe and goes,

“Emma, I’m gonna stick this up my nose!”

I’m thinking, What the heck, Lily, where’d you get that idea? Don’t do it.

She did it.


We run over and tell her what Lily did.

“Okay,” Mommy says, “Just don’t sniff.”

Lily sniffs. Hard. “‘Kay.”

Mommy mutters something under her breath and calls Daddy, who rushes home. We pile into the car and head to the emergency room. They tell us “It’s not an emergency” and “they can’t help us.” Like, I understand, but excuse me? We went to another emergency room which could take us, and they used this big machine to suck it out of her nose. Neither Lily nor I enjoyed the process of getting the shoe out, even though it was quick. I really don’t know why I didn’t like it. Remember, I was only six, so I don’t remember it very well. Maybe it’s because we’re twins, and she didn’t like it, so I didn’t like it.

Either way, the shoe came out and it was all okay.

That was my unusual childhood story that I only vaguely remember. My sister and I are just weird like that.

Do you have any xeno- (strange) stories from your childhood? Leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can return the favor! Thanks for reading, but I gotta zoom off now!