20 FAQs for future freshmen

20 Rising Freshmen FAQS Answered

The Prowl has received 20 Indy FAQs from the Brambleton Middle School counselors that have been answered by a staff writer. This piece is composed of both factual information and the opinions of the author. All opinions are her own

Q: What happens at lunch?  Can students sit where they like? Can students sit outside? 

A: This year: Students are assigned a lunch block during third block (A, B or C) where they sit at individual spread out tables. 

Normal year: Students will be assigned lunch time during the third block (A, B, C or D). Students are free to sit at any table and when the weather is nice, students can choose to sit at tables outside. 

Q:Do you have advisory? How often will it meet? 

A: Independence advisory is commonly referred to as Tiger Time. Classes are divided based on last names, and they will be the same every year of high school.

This year: While school is held virtually and hybrid, advisory is held every morning at 9:15 a.m. 

Normal year: Students will meet with their advisory class every Wednesday between first and second block. 

Q: How do you find out what clubs are available?  How do you join a club? 

A: The current clubs at Independence are listed on the school website. Each year, a club fair is held to introduce new students to the extracurricular activities. Many clubs have social media accounts, so if you know what you might be interested in, you may want to consider following it. The steps to join may vary based on the club, so you will want to attend their interest meetings to learn more information. 

Q: What things in high school are different/better than middle school?

 A: One noticeable difference between high school and middle school is the level of involvement students have. Whether it be joining a club or sport, dressing up on spirit days or being a fan at sports events, you will find a lot of school spirit at Independence. 

You also gain more academic freedom. There are more classes to choose from and a greater emphasis on advocating for yourself and reaching out to your teachers or counselors when you need help.

Q:Where do you buy spirit wear in high school? 

A: The school store at Independence is called Tiger Threads. That is where students and staff buy all of their Independence gear. It is located inside Independence High School just off of the main hallway. Individual sports teams will often have online stores with spirit wear unique to that sport. 

Q: What is it like riding the bus? 

A: Riding the bus is just like in middle school. One difference you may find is in the people riding the bus. Many upperclassmen choose to drive themselves, so you may notice more underclassmen on the bus, but it is still available to everyone. 

Q: How do you learn about driver’s education? 

A: Driver’s education is a part of the [sophomore] physical education curriculum, which is required to graduate. The specifics about it will be provided by your teacher when you take that class. 

Q: How do you stay on track to graduate?  Who helps with that? 

You will meet with your counselor every year to select new classes and check to make sure you are on track to graduate. Taking a normal course load every year should help you fill all your requirements, but your counselor will communicate with you if you are not on track. 

Q: What is study hall like? 

A: Study hall in high school  is very similar to middle school. It is a time where you are able to complete work and meet with teachers. 

Q: When can you use your phone in high school? 

A: You can use your phone more freely in high school than in middle school. Before and after class, during a break or at lunch are common times when students are allowed to use their phone. 

Q: Are people friendly with freshmen?  

A: Independence is a very friendly school in general. Freshmen are welcomed into the school community just like any other new student would be.The best way to introduce yourself to the Independence community is to share our school spirit and participate in our school traditions. 

Q: Do you have a lot of free time in high school?  What can you do during that time? 

A: The amount of free time students have after school is up to them, but during school it is a little limited. Before school begins in the morning and during lunch are common times students have free time, but most of the time at school is spent doing either classwork or homework. 

Q:How do you join sports?

A: You can use the athletic website to obtain any coaching information such as the coach’s email addresses. If you don’t see your coach listed, you can email Mr. [Ryan] Rogers, our athletic director. You will want to contact the coach to register and begin receiving emails with tryout information. In order to try out for a sport or participate in any green days, you must register for the sport and have your physical. After participating in the tryouts for the set amount of time, you will be notified by your coaches if you made the team. Once you make the team you will be notified for fees — and congratulations, you’re on the team.

Answer by: Olivia Danley, 11

Q: Can students carry their backpacks or do they need to put them in lockers (if we have lockers next year)?

A: Students can request a locker. Information on that will be distributed at the beginning of the year, but you will find almost all students carry their backpack. 

Q: How can you get early release?

A: Early release is only permitted for seniors meeting graduation requirements. Underclassmen needing early release for an exceptional circumstance must first speak with their counselor.

Q: How do you get involved with student government? 

A: At Independence we have a Student Council Association (SCA), which is an elective. Elections are held every year to fill the necessary positions for each grade. For more information you can contact Mr. [Matt] Ellis. 

Q: What are the times for high school? 

A: The official schedule for this year is linked here. In a normal year there may be some modifications, but the start and end time will stay the same: 9:15-4:03. 

Q: Do you have pep rallies? What are they like? 

A: Independence does have pep rallies. They are some of the most popular events of the year. All students and staff will gather in the main gym where each grade will compete against each other in fun games to win the spirit stick. 

Q: Are the classes really hard? What happens if you want/need to change a class?

A: Classes can be as challenging as you want them to be. In high school there are more options to challenge yourself by taking classes such as advanced placement (AP) or dual enrollment (DE). Teacher recommendations are a good indicator of what classes you may be successful in. To help you manage your coursework teachers typically hold office hours and peer tutoring is available in certain subjects. 

If you need to change a class you should contact your counselor to begin that process. 

Q: What is a Career Center and why do kids go there? 

A: The College and Career Center is a place where students can learn about options for pathways post graduation. Some things that can be found there are college visits and information about opportunities for those who don’t plan to attend a traditional college. 

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