Every day is a holiday: May

Life doesn’t seem all that bad when every day is a holiday. Holiday Insights has a list of holidays for every day, and most of them are shown on this calendar. Below are descriptions of some of the most interesting holidays.

World Press Freedom Day: This day is particularly important for this publication as it celebrates the value of the freedom of expression through the press and recognizes the sacrifices that past journalists have made to earn this freedom. The United Nations General Assembly created this day in 1993. 

World Red Cross Day: This day celebrates and appreciates the Red Cross. It recognizes the efforts of the Red Cross that bring relief to human suffering. The origin of this day came from the Czechoslovakia Red Cross National Society who made a three-day truce on Easter in 1922 to promote peace. The day falls on Henry Dunant’s birthday, founder of the Red Cross.

Pack Rat Day: This day is a day for hoarders. For anyone who loves to keep little knick-knacks they had as kids, sweaters that end up in the back of the closet or just anything that seems valuable, this day is for them. Take this day to think about how these random items around the house could be useful.

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