“There’s no question Brian is a hard worker. He’s in the weight room every day, working extra after practice and giving his full effort into everything he does, whether it’s in the classroom, weight room or football field,” sophomore Josh Hand describes his best friend, fellow sophomore Brian Courtney.
Courtney came from Broad Run High School. He was the Independence quarterback during football season and now plays center on the varsity basketball team. Aside from sports, he is in Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).
Extracurriculars are not Courtney’s only focus. In addition to playing sports and attending FCA, Courtney also focuses on his classes as well. Courtney expressed his hardest classes are AP World and Honors English. Courtney works hard to balance out all of his responsibilities. “I try to do school work before practice, and if I have a game coming up, then I usually do it before so it’s done,” said Courtney.
Everyone wants to know what the future holds, and who is better than the quarterback to share what football is looking like next year? “Next year we will be able to pass those teams,”( the teams we lost against) said Courtney. “We’ll definitely do better next year when we’re older. Having seniors next year is going to definitely boost our football team and where we stand.”
Hand shared a recent special memory with Courtney from the football season. “One thing that Brian did that I will not forget is him yelling ‘I love you guys’ after we defeated Rock Ridge. Brian came into this football program not knowing a lot of people, and it shows that this program really brought everyone close with a special bond nobody will forget.” According to Hand, Independence has one caring quarterback. “Brian is the hardest worker on the team. He’s always looking for some way to get himself and the team better; his work ethic is unbelievable and it’s great to have such a hardworking teammate working hard for the team.”

Quarterback Brian Courtney (4) throws the ball to Running Back Brian Lewis (22). Photo courtesy of Brian Courtney
Many students struggle with balancing just school and regular life, but Courtney shows that something may be a challenge but is not impossible.