GSA Stickers Promote more Welcoming School Environment

The Indpendence Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) ordered stickers for teachers to put in their classrooms and on their doors. Their goal is to promote a more welcoming environment in each classroom and to let every student know that they are accepted all throughout Independence. 

The stickers are meant to encourage students and teachers to be kind to one another. The GSA created the stickers because they wanted to spread positivity throughout the school. Positivity and acceptance is the GSA’s goal, and they are hoping for students and teachers to be inspired to partake in more simple acts of kindness in and outside of Independence. 

“Where I went to college at the University of Maryland, they had stickers with different flags along with the school mascot on them. Professors put them in their office or classroom to ensure their rooms would feel like a safe and open place for students,” explained the club’s sponsor, Ms. Vanessa Wagener. “I think the stickers will create an even more open community at Independence, and kids that are part of the LGBTQ community will feel safer,” Wagener said. She told the math department as well as Mr. Gabriel about the stickers, noting that they openly expressed their agreement. 

Freshman Swara Kaoray, a member of the club, voiced her opinion on the stickers. “I think that it’s a subtle but nice idea. It’s a good idea because it’s not brought up in every conversation.” She made a point to express why she thinks they are important for Independence. “They spread awareness, which can help students understand the LGBTQ community. We are here, and we’re not going away because it’s 2019,” she expressed.

The stickers will look like paws with a rainbow design on them. Each teacher will get a sticker in their mailbox with a note attached explaining its purpose. Teachers can do whatever they like with their stickers, although it is encouraged to put them on classroom doors. The stickers will make their debut in late November and early December. The GSA will continue to spread awareness about the LGBTQ community and inclusivity throughout this first year at Independence. 

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