The color above is what I consider my signature color! The name of my color is called Taupe Grey, specifically in the shade above. In reality I dont really have a favorite or signature color, but I really enjoy more nuetral and minimalistic colors such as this one. After researching the color, I found out that this color is considered a more luxurious color and represents balance, relaxation, and modernism. Many people say that seeing the color Taupe gives them a sense of security.
How I decided on this color was because, again I enjoy nuetral and minimalistic colors like black, white, and grey. When I was scrolling on the Canva Color Generator I came across this color and felt drawn to it. As you could probably tell, Id go for a more grey shade of Taupe rather than a more brown shade. The word Taupe comes from the French noun taupe, meaning “mole”. The name originally referred to the usual color of a French mole. Around the 1940’s the color expanded to a much more wide variety of shades. The exact hex code for this shade of Taupe is #E9E6E2. I feel like this is “my” color because It represents my mood a lot of the time which is a more calming one.