
Hello everyone! It has been a while, hasn’t it? Since this is usually a class task, I don’t post anything here often. There is not a lot of my mind that I want to share, usually. However, recently we have all written poems! I think that mine are okay to share, I’m just the littlest overwhelmed with how they came out and slightly unsatisfied, but I’m not completely mortified to share them. So… Here it is!

Title: My Family

My family is like a bicycle

When a rough path is clashing
Our emotions turn cold as an icicle
We are capable of crashing

My mother can be flinty
My father can be stingy

My brother can be annoying
And I can be boring

But when that is over
And the smooth path gets closer

Everything changes

For our feelings have ranges

My mother can be loving
My father can be cunning
My brother can be helpful
And I can be respectful

Although our differences are unique

Sometimes we can go to bleak
The bicycle can speak for usĀ 

That we make such a fuss

Something new I learned about Poetry was about how you could indulge in so many different and unique types of figurative language into your poems, we also learned about assonances and consonances. It’s not much that I have learned, however I am just glad that the unit is almost over. It wasn’t one of my favorites, but definitely one I didn’t hate.

A skill I had practiced was tons of figurative language, and tons of rhyming. I had to think outside of the box for some, and some I was able to jot down almost immediately.

Advice that I’d give to someone that is beginning poetry is that you shouldn’t be afraid to write down what’s on your mind and be open about yourself. If you write it from the heart, it’ll sound better and maybe more people will understand what you are trying to say.

That’s all for now, thanks for listening! I apologize again for not posting! Next time, everybody!