The Nightingales Second Chance.
The picture above is a page of my book called The Nightingales Second Chance. My comm. class was givin the task to make a prequel or a sequel to a children book that they had to offer. That was my final product.
I chose to write a sequel to the book “Inch by Inch” because I have read this book when I was a bit younger. My old elementary school had read this to me in there school libary. They have also read it to my little brother when he was visting that day, during school.
My process for creating this book began with me searching for the right childerns book. I picked one book at first, but I didn’t know what to do for it at all, so I changed my book to “Inch by Inch”. I started my rough draft on my comm. notebook. After I did that I added more figutive langue into my book. I had a lot of trouble at the end. When I had to draw or digitally add pictures to my book. I feel as if that was the only really part I struggled in. In the end I did a google silde of it. I’m a bit disapointed on how it came out, but I needed to get somthing done.
My prequel follows more of the Nightingale more as the main character, rather than the inch worm. He follows the inch worm to confront him and ask why he left. They talk and eventully the inch worm finallys measures the nighingale.
Poetry with a Conscience
^ Link to my Final Poem! Hope you enjoy it!
As I was working during this poetry unit, I’ve learned a lot of new things about poetry and things about me. The thing I learned the fastest was that poetry is not for me, but that’s okay! Something new for me during this unit was all the different types of poetry and all the different types of figurative language. In reality though it was all kind of “new”, in the sense that I never do / read poetry, nor do I enjoy it very much.
A part of poetry is the figurative language. There is a lot of figurative language in poetry. A lot, so that was a skill I had to learn and try to get the hang of if I wanted to do well during this unit. I will say this unit was a struggle for me. I would constantly have to ask for help, I would never have any good ideas, and figurative language wasn’t foreign, but it was a hard grasp as I hadn’t used it in a while.
All in all this unit was … interesting to say the least, I personally was not a huge fan of this unit, but it was definitely an experience. Some advice I would give to you, is to just go for it. Even if it sounds bad, or cringy. Just do it. Don’t think you are going to get it first try, cause I for sure did not and that was holding me back from having fun during this unit. No matter how “bad” your poem is, there is no wrong way to write poetry. So keep that in mind!