Fifteen Instructional Facilitators for Technology (IFTs) from both elementary and secondary levels participated in a design group that was on the “cutting edge” of LCPS’ Schoology implementation by receiving early training, supporting the learning of the IFT community and other LCPS stakeholder groups, and assisting in the development of learning resources used in the initial training for school-based staff on March 3, 2020 around the county.

On March 3, 2020, nearly 4,000 school-based staff participated in face-to-face or online Schoology Training facilitated by each school’s IFT. The main objectives of this training were for participants to:

  • Navigate the Schoology interface 
  • Describe the difference between Courses, Groups, and Resources

In order for staff to get hands on practice in the environment, every staff member was provided access to a “Sandbox” Schoology course to experiment with schoology such as Updates, Folders, Files/Web Links, Pages, Media Albums, Discussion Posts, Assignments, and Assessments.

Contributed by: Derek Kaufman, Instructional Facilitator for Technology, Mercer Middle School

IFT Vanguard Team