Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Think back 30 years ago to the phone that you first learned to use. Was it a “Zack Morris” wireless phone that was almost the size of a football? Maybe it was one of those push button phones with a long springy cord that could wrap around the corner to give you more privacy. Take a moment to remember learning to use that device and all the fond memories that you have.
Now let’s think about your current device. Chances are good you’ve upgraded your phone to a newer iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. What does your current phone offer you that the landlines or cordless phones of yesteryear did not? If you’re like me, you love that the latest smartphones come with tons of great tools that help me stay more productive and connected. Even though my old phone and my new phone serve the same core function, I found that I am able to do far more with my phone than I ever dreamed possible when I first learned to dial on a keypad.
With all this in mind, let’s think about our new adoption of Schoology. We have a new tool that will take some work to learn, but this new tool will bring about new possibilities to improve our instruction and reach our students in ways that we might not yet think possible. I challenge you all to approach this new adoption with optimism and an open-mind. I know we all have a lot of work ahead of us, but in the end, as with learning to use our smart phones, I think we will all see it was worth it.
Contributed By: Jason Robey, Instructional Facilitator for Technology, Heritage High School