Toro Inoue is a 3d cat from Sony”s game Doko Demo Ussyo. Doko Demo Ussyo (DDU) was a old video game in 2007 and grew popularity from Japan. Toro, is known for his very unique facial features and Experessions. He and his friend Kuro (Will talk about in another post) are Radio Station broadcasters, but also go on neat adventures with there friends in the series. Toro is also known to be the unofficial Mascot for Sony Entertainment/Playstation. Toro in the series is a very empathetic and curious cat who wants to become as human as possible! He loves being pampered, being taken care of by his caretakers, and helping out others during the series. Toro Inoue remains one of my favorite video game characters. Go Toro!
*dancey dance*
So that’s where the cat came from? I always saw the “aesthetic” pictures on pinterest. I never knew that. Golly Gee 😮
Ikr! I freaking love this cat and I need a bunch of plushies of him immediatley. >:3