Here is a list of some of the furniture and objects we offer to our students in their classrooms to improve productivity and understanding .
Circular tables for team cooperation / group work and black science room tables for individual work .
( nice amount of space to arrange your things and sprawl out )
Bookshelves with the material being taught put into real-life situations .
( I prefer reading about the events of history in a realistic fiction book than in a textbook )
Helps relate material to how it can be used outside of a classroom .
Choice of stationary chairs vs rolly chairs . Perfect for kids who just gotta move . And easy to switch for when a topic gets your attention and you want to focus more .
Box of legos ! Or k’nex blocks .
Taking math and science to the next level with hands-on lessons and work !
Windows in every room . Lots of natural light ! Also so students can see ‘ what’s up ‘ with outside ( sometimes I get outside after school ends , and I didn’t even know it rained / the sun finally came out ) . Rooms without windows almost seem suffocating .
Classrooms are arranged in a semi-circle so all students can see the teacher at once .
There is also a sink and paper towels in every room to help clean up if necessary .