Here at T-Rad-itional schools , you will hear us mention about different types of learning styles . We believe that learning styles are an important aspect that everyone should understand about themselves . We present information to our students in a variety of different ways , pertaining to their learning style . But what is a ‘ learning style ‘ exactly ?
It’s how our brains are wired to catch and hold onto all the information that is thrown at us every day . If I were to show a group of people how to bake cookies , just by talking them through it , some people would be able to go home and bake a batch of fine-tasting cookies . But not all of us can do that . Some people would need it written down to read it over , see someone making it in front of them , or even make a song with the instructions as the lyrics . This is because we all take in and process information differently .
” But that’s baking cookies . That’s not school , ” you might say . And you’re right , we were just baking cookies . But the same thing can be applied to studies at a school .
For example , many people think math is strictly analytical , and can be difficult to understand if they are a visual person , and need to see things in action . But math doesn’t always have to be analytical ; it can be visual as well ! This video of someone proving the Pythagorean theorem ( or a^2 + b^2 = c^2 if you weren’t a math person either ) is a great example of this ! Link [ x ]
Telling students that something works ” just because it does ! ” doesn’t help anyone . Students won’t feel a need to ask why things work in their other classes because they’ll believe that if they aren’t told something , they don’t need to know it . Or their questions and curiosity don’t really matter . Students should be encouraged to delve deeper , and when the teacher doesn’t know , they can research the topic together , and both learn something new . Too many people stop at ” I don’t know . ” We’re trying to get teachers and students alike to push past ” I don’t know ” and reach ” I know now . ”
List of Howard Gardner’s intelligence types and icons [ x ]