All in a Day

What does a typical day at a T-RAD-itional school look like for a student? How is it any different?

We aim for our schools to be a unique experience for each of our students. Our teachers are specialized in their field , requiring a Master’s degree or higher . We also have a 1 : 5 teacher-student ratio , providing our students with one-on-one time with a teacher if needed. There will also be classes where more than one teacher is in the room at once , to introduce a different method or spin on the material being taught , or help relate the current topic to a different subject altogether .

As for methods of teaching , we cycle through and use what best suits our students at the time for the given lesson . If you were to pop your head into a class , you could see a number of any of the following :

Individual study , work time , readings

Recent Insights - Arbinger

Group work , projects , readings , debates

Developing 21st Century Skills: Communication - STEM JOBS

Presentations by teachers or students

Eisenhower High School Teachers Present at TAEA Conference ...

Activities that require movement

“Black Like Me” – CC Students Experience Life on an HBCU ...

Hands-on activities like building models

Art and Engineering - Aspire

Or even taking the classroom outside to learn about the community or environment !

MERI | Events

Each day is different and new , but can be chalked up to our basic class schedule :

1 9:00-10:00
2 10:05-11:05
3 11:10-12:10
Lunch 12:10-12:50
4 12:55-1:55
5 2:00-3:00

And not every day will follow this schedule . Big projects , field trips , and certain activities can change the schedule , but it is all manageable , and time lost in a class will be made up   eventually , so students get the most out of each of their   classes .

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