Survey Finds 100% of Park View Students Admit to Academic Dishonesty

by Samuel Gardner

Over the past few weeks, the Patriot Press conducted a survey of 100 of the top 150 students (by GPA/class rank) of the 2018-2019 senior class, asking about cheating and academic dishonesty. These are the raw results of that survey.

Have you ever knowingly violated the honor code?*

            77% – Yes            23% – No

Have you ever received prohibited help on a graded assignment?

79% – Yes            21% – No

Have you ever copied off of another student’s paper?

84% – Yes            16% – No

Have you ever allowed another student to copy your work?

92% – Yes            8% – No

Have you ever cheated on a test or quiz?

60% – Yes            40% – No

Have you ever lied to a teacher?

68% – Yes            32% – No

*Question removed from statistical analysis due to assumed confusion in subjects’ answering.


Overall Analysis (of all 100 surveyed students):

-100% of students surveyed admitted to committing at least one of these offenses

-44 admitted to all offenses

-18 admitted to four offenses

-16 admitted to three offenses

-21 admitted to two offenses

-1 admitted to one offense


Honor Society Breakdown:

87/100 members of honor societies (officers and non-officers)

-37 admitted to all offenses (42.5%)

-16 admitted to four offenses (18.4%)

-14 admitted to three offenses (16.1%)

-19 admitted to two offenses (21.8%)

-1 admitted to one offense (1.15%)


60/87 members of honor societies (non-officers)

-24 admitted to all offenses (40.0%)

-13 admitted to four offenses (21.67%)

-11 admitted to three offenses (18.33%)

-12 admitted to two offenses (20.0%)


27/87 officers in an honor society

-13 admitted to all offenses (48.1%)

-3 admitted to four offenses (11.1%)

-3 admitted to three offenses (11.1%)

-7 admitted to two offenses (25.9%)

-1 admitted to only one offense (3.7%)


13/100 students not members of honor societies

-7 admitted to all offenses (53.85%)

-2 admitted to four offenses (15.4%)

-2 admitted to three offenses (15.4%)

-2 admitted to two offenses (15.4%)


Direct Responses:

How do you feel about the honor code?

It’s weak.

If you give students a very easy way to break the honor code (homework), expect them to.

Its fine

It is to lienent

I think it is a good thing to have but has holes + there are ways to get away with cheating

It is very extra considering everyone cheats

A great way to prevent students to receive academic help. But also we always break rules so its there but its unnecessary.

It is kind of useless, I get that plagiarism is awful and it is unlawful to do so, I never consider it. I just copy answers when it is most convenient. If you are struggling, lacking time, or just feel lazy I’ll sice and/or ask for a sice

The honor code is pointless. Theres no way that people will not cheat. Its just human interest. As Thomas Hobbes says, man is wicked and evil.

I feel as if it isn’t a worry until a teacher sees you and cheating is so common that it’s taken as a joke

I feel like it’s not an unjust system, it is something that should be put in place to prevent cheating, as it is prohibited and morally wrong. That said, cheating is so easy to do, especially copying another’s paper so nearly everyone does it.

People who know how to cheat and finest the system don’t get caught.

Cheating is a skill set. It is unorthodox learning.

I feel like it is a necessary thing but kids will be kids.

Nice rule, hard to follow

It’s necessary but the school system basically encourages it.

It is malleable and should be discussed in the context of the situation. It is more of a guideline for the most virtuous behavior.

I think it’s fine the way it is.

It is good for the school

doesn’t work

Don’t know it

There is a point in life that you won’t have time and don’t want to fail, based on the fact that the goal is to have As and Bs. Cheating is morally wrong but should be understandable. The honor code is nice but useless.

I believe it is broken by a lot of students and if you say you’ve never cheated you’re lying to yourself.

It’s a good policy

The honor code is something that I don’t even think of, I just live my life.

I support the intentions behind it, but I do not feel like it has any import on my actions.

I don’t know REALLY know it.

I feel that the honor code is not enforced enough. Also, not in a manner that students actually remember it.

I think the honor code is very important to have structure in our school.

I think it is a great thing we have established at Park View. I don’t like cheating my way into life so the Honor Code is perfect and a great thing to have.

I agree w/ the honor code, the only problem is that people prioritize passing then w/ morals.

Its meant to give everyone an equal advantage but the top students are the ones that break it the most.

Not enforced. People think it’s a joke.

Its cool and all but grades are more important.

it isn’t really enforced

I think it’s a great way to punish people who cheat.


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