I’ve been meaning to post my progress for this piece for a while now. I’m starting to pick up a pattern in which I stick to monochromatic colors like red, white, and black. Though for this piece, I think I used too much red and I don’t like how the girl blends into the background. I like how the hands turn out, but I know that there can be some things to fix. Overall, I would very much like it to revisit this artwork again.
Process check for Art IV
I’m planning to work on artwork 2 for art iv during the weekend to finish it, but this is what I have so far. I’m planning to put ink in the background. I’m also kind of leaning on the idea of inking dynamic clouds in the back so I changed my original idea of incorporating flowers. Does the shading make sense?
I didn’t get much work done on this project due to how I couldn’t manage my time well. I’m thinking of starting over because I used the wrong paper and I don’t like how textured the paper was. I definitely struggled on the pose of the rhinos like I wasn’t satisfied of how the rhino to the right ended up. I feel like I learned more about practicing beforehand of poses that way I wouldn’t struggle so much.
Sketchbook 3.1
This is what I planned for artwork number three. Since my main media is based on liquid medium, I was thinking of doing pen work. I feel like I can get a lot of detailed from pen as well. Basically my idea was to draw what I think what cities would look like in which there are more buildings close together because it represents overpopulation. I was also thinking about revisiting this idea, but approach it in a more futuristic look(space like).
Sketchbook 2.2
For this sketchbook, I was focusing on mechanical body parts, such as bionic leg, arm, hand, etc. Even though in my sleep took it show s that the person is animated, I’ll keep in mind to stray away from that and make it more realistic. I’m still working on how I want the composition to be like. I’m also not really sure with where I’m going with testing different patterns, but I’ll practice more with it.
AP Art concept idea
For my concentration in Ap art, I’m leaning towards a futuristic theme in which it portrays how far technology advanced, which leads to my idea for my first artwork. I was thinking about bringing back extinct animals because it was our fault that they got extinct so if we are capable of making species extinct, why not be capable of bringing them back? Though it’s nearly impossible to bring back an extinct animal, I just thought the idea of bringing back something similar to it would be cool. Also I’m probably going to do one extinct species, because I don’t want to make the artwork too crowded.