
Musescore is a site where people can post original music compositions or arrangements of existing songs, and one of my favorite websites. Anything from classical music to pop songs, there is probably sheet music for your instrument. It is easy to find my favorite songs for whichever instrument I want. Musescore is also a program that allows you to compose and arrange music. It’s free and easy to download and to use, with dozens of instruments to choose from. It also allows you to export your composition into garage band or logic pro, to make the instruments sound more realistic. This is a great program, wether it’s for listening, playing, or composing music!



If you’re interested in woodworking, but don’t want to buy a ton of tools or get your hands dirty, pyrography is a good way to go. If you don’t know pyrography is the art of wood burning. All you need to start is a wood burning tool (nothing very expensive) and a piece of poplar (one of the softer pieces of wood). It’s very easy to pick up, it’s just like a pencil! Just sketch on your design before hand, or you can free hand it. Just make sure you don’t touch the metal tip, it can easily burn you. Have fun!