
Over the past month, I have been working on this portrait for my friend. Being a musician, he inspired me to take on this task of creating an album cover for him, if he ever decided to publish music in the future. However, I was very hesitant when it came to the watercolor pencil background. Having been limited to only acrylic paint this school year, watercolor seemed very intimidating since its qualities are almost the complete opposite to those of acrylic, yet despite my concerns, the waves turned out a lot better than I expected.


While trying to experiment with drawing realistic portraits, I’ve found that I have a natural style in mixing realism with cartoon-like animation, where the people in my drawings look fairly realistic, with features that are more exaggerated or outlined.

This drawing was a way for me to experiment with realistic portraits, by practicing using my friend as the subject. To see if my proportions were accurate enough, I sent the drawing to multiple other friends, asking whether they recognized him, even partially completed.


This is a portrait of one of my favorite Korean rappers. I wanted to experiment a little with colored pencil since I’m mostly familiar with acrylic paint, and I found that they are fairly similar when it comes to blending and layering. I’m excited to continue using colored pencil in future sketches.


This sketchbook piece is actually in honor of my mom, who’s birthday is today. In this drawing, I wanted to capture, not only her beauty as a person, but also the beauty of her culture. I chose to incorporate the lucky Chinese colors, red and yellow, and added flowers throughout her gown to symbolize the simplistic beauty of life. The red panda was a last minute character that I decided to add just for fun, because my mom likes cute animals.