
While trying to experiment with drawing realistic portraits, I’ve found that I have a natural style in mixing realism with cartoon-like animation, where the people in my drawings look fairly realistic, with features that are more exaggerated or outlined.

This drawing was a way for me to experiment with realistic portraits, by practicing using my friend as the subject. To see if my proportions were accurate enough, I sent the drawing to multiple other friends, asking whether they recognized him, even partially completed.

2 thoughts on “Sketchbook

  • December 20, 2019 at 2:50 pm

    I remember you struggling while drawing this, but it came out really well – it looks super lively, and the stylistic shading gives it a lot of character.

    – Megan

  • December 21, 2019 at 4:57 am

    Yes!!! He turned out so well!! I really like your shading of his hand, and woahh the clothes!
    It’s a nice style, kind of a photograph kind of feel? It was fun using him as our model that once class haha Nice job!!


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