This is my rough draft sketch/media study for my first piece. I am going to be painting very loosely in order to capture an almost violent feel. The message of the final piece will show that we can’t place our identity and value in materialistic things and worldly views, but instead, find the beauty that resides within us.
Your idea and execution are very unique and wonder. I like how loose and expressive the strokes are, and I feel like your color choice also captures the idea of violence.
If you are aiming to really push the theme of materialism, It would be cool if you added more materialistic things. More items such as excessive jewelry or particular types of jewelry associated with wealth (pearls, diamonds, and gold.)
Nice job and I cannot wait to see your final piece.
This is my favorite style of art. I’m really excited on how this is going to turn out. I would play with the paint even more.