If I where royalty I would help the poor because it would raise my power since I would have more people to honor me since I would help them get […]

Well first what I would do is help the poor. Then I would just leave the royalty life and be freeeeeeeeeeeee. Why? Well I don’t want to be locked up […]

If I was a member of royalty and I had power, then, I would try to make everyplace safer. I would also make education really mandatory. I would try to […]

If I were royalty I would treat people that aren’t a lower status than me. I wouldn’t abuse my power as royalty. Abusing power means giving someone a severe punishment […]

If I were royalty I would most likely give up my position. I don’t want to be treated like a god, i want to be like a human being.

Today we finished coding. It was almost successful but the ending was so close to being done. We would need more time. If I were royalty i would feed the […]

If I was royalty I would give away and keep it at the same time. I would want to live a normal life because I think that that builds character, […]

If I were royalty I would help the poor because they don’t have what they need and most of the time what they want and I think helping our people […]

Blogger Shout Out!

Flamingnight!  You may not have had much to say, but you stepped up the game for the whole class with a hyperlink!  Nice!  I loved the building specs!  Well played, […]

Today we finished the maze, instead of big chungus we built the 2 characters of freak the mighty. The 2 people are Kevin the small one and Max the big […]