When I most focus
I most focus when I’m interested in something. I also am focused when the teacher is teaching, and when doing homework. Why? I really am focused in school because I […]
I most focus when I’m interested in something. I also am focused when the teacher is teaching, and when doing homework. Why? I really am focused in school because I […]
I am most focused while I am drawing. I have always liked the process of drawing so I’m mostly focused on that. Drawing makes me feel very relaxed and focused […]
When do I feel focused? Well I know that one time I feel focused is when listening to music. Some teachers say OOOH that doesn’t help you it makes you […]
I feel like when I’m most focused is when I do my homework, and I’m most focused. Because homework is really important to me and If I never finish my […]
Nice recap on our field trip to the Academies of Loudoun! It was a fantastic experience and you described our Makerspace experience perfectly!
I am afraid of not knowing what to write. Like when we have to do these reflections I sometimes just can’t figure out what to write. What are you going […]
I used to be afraid of airplanes. I was scared of airplanes because it was a form of transportation that would be over 30,000 feet in the air. I am […]
I mostly fear is black snakes. Why? Well where dad lives there are some snakes, me and my brother were visiting my dad. We went outside to play and we […]
I am afraid of many things, some of them being clowns spiders, especially tarantulas losing people that I love Failing
I was afraid of snakes. I never liked them, but now that I realize it, it’s a part of nature. Nature is beautiful and I can’t get over that.