Final Shout Out of the Year!
You each had a fantastic perspective about living on Mars. Your blog posts were funny, insightful, and gave me pause to think. Bravo, my friends.
You each had a fantastic perspective about living on Mars. Your blog posts were funny, insightful, and gave me pause to think. Bravo, my friends.
Well done, XXfortnightgodxx … well done. The exploration of space is vast in its scope. I appreciated your perspective!
Wassup, girl!?! You gave great insight into your growth mindset and how it has change over the course of this year. Nice. Stay gold!
My Queen! Your post was touching, 882441. I appreciated the attention you gave to people who “suffer” from sickness. You are royalty at heart!!
I thought the pictures of your elaborate Cue course was a bonus feature to your blog! Nice work. You gave the reader a good bit of detail on what you […]
Flamingnight! You may not have had much to say, but you stepped up the game for the whole class with a hyperlink! Nice! I loved the building specs! Well played, […]
Nice recap on our field trip to the Academies of Loudoun! It was a fantastic experience and you described our Makerspace experience perfectly!