Today we made flags. Those were fun but if we got in to it faster then we would of made more time for this fun project. I disliked the microscope […]
Today we made flags. Those were fun but if we got in to it faster then we would of made more time for this fun project. I disliked the microscope […]
My goal for the future is to continue and be a engineer. I would wanna be a person that builds all different type of stuff.
If I were to build something I would build a robot that could help people do their duty’s and let them do all type of stuffs. And also help with […]
What I got surprised about was when me and my partner preston put the sphero in the water it didn’t float because the water was shallow. But the project we […]
So the sphero can probably drive lets just say it does. So on the back there is an big big popsicle stick, and the people can be on the big […]
We had a lot of fun and we had experience with the Spheros, but they were hard to control. And we went back to the cues and that was a […]
What you could do to improve the gopigo is to maybe try to use it on a laptop and then maybe the blue light will go on next time but if […]
Me and my partner had to restart 3 times. But we had to restart and now we went really far. And now we need to put the roof to the […]
We built it and went pretty far but we built it upside down. Also we all agreed about the jobs and I think we all liked it, Also are name […]
I tried to send it to Noaman without him knowing but it ran over my finger. it went from the c hall to the main gym but I put 3,000 […]