I would not want to live in mars
The reason I would not want to live in mars is because it’s really hot. And I would have to wear a helmet all the time. And Earth is the […]
The reason I would not want to live in mars is because it’s really hot. And I would have to wear a helmet all the time. And Earth is the […]
A Black hole, because they’re cool because they can suck stuff up.
I’d give it up Because I want to do my own stuff like explore. I’ve been given many chances to do stuff and I rejected it.
Academies of Loudoun was really fun the lava lamps was my favorite because it was really cool making your own lava lamp. I own a real lava lamp I think […]
I’m good at solving puzzles In video games I can solve puzzles and in real life. I can solve a rubix cube in five minutes. I always seem to find a […]
Only liked the spheros and legos because the speros you can change color do emotes pretty fun. I liked the legos because we got to build a house did not […]
Today we played with the cue for 1 min
Today is the first day of Season 6 and we built a desk with a chair. Stay tuned for more about Season 6.