March 2019

The Makerspace

Blogger Shout Out!
Hamza! I appreciated your personal reflection on your greatest talent. You gave the reader a good idea about your life here and in your home country. Nice work!

Blogger Shout Out!
I knew you had it in you 854226! Great blog. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Attending MIT is a worthy goal! Keep at it!
My greatest talent
My greatest talent is sports and handwriting. The first thing I do when I get home is to practice soccer and after that I do my homework and my mom […]
I think that some of my greatest talents is when it comes to engineering and math. I think that I am good at engineering and math, based on the fact […]
I have alots of talents. I am really good at math. I also am really good at going laying down on the couch sitting and chilling.
Today was Awesome
Today we got to vote for who it was that stole the gold. I brought the form today and I can’t wait to go and I’m thinking I might want […]
Greatest Talent
I think my greatest talent is being small/ short and very light. I am great at this because I have been like this since I was born. I am short/small […]
My talent is being good at art kinda? I’m good at not coming up with stuff. So here’s my blog and why all it says is this. I enjoy art […]