Blogger Shout Out!
Great writing dark5shadow! I loved the “Right on Cue” pun from your last post!
Great writing dark5shadow! I loved the “Right on Cue” pun from your last post!
If I had another hour with cue I would… Learn how to control it properly. Try to code a musical or a show with the cue on the others Race […]
If i would have a hour with a cue then i would show him my school.
I would play with it and control it to follow my big brother or my baby sister. I really want one!
I will play with it and I will try to get better at the cue because I am not that good at it.
I would code it if we had 1 more hour we didn’t get to. It didn’t work but me and roy made it work. The name was anonymous. I had […]
I would destroy my Cue and make something new because I like making things that are already made but in a different way, at home. If I had another hour […]
If I had another hour with Keebo, I would take him outside to roll around, and mess around with him. If I were at house with Keebo, I would show […]
If I had another hour with cue I would code it make it say things drive and spend more time to recognize our cues character and it’s feelings I’m really […]
If I had another hour with cue I would fix whatever going on with its wheels because our had some trouble when we drive it. When its fixed I would […]