September 6th

What’s good? Today was interesting… (I say that with all my stories, don’t worry 🙂 ) Anyway, I woke up and went to school. I always go early, 8:00 A.M. early. When the clock turns to 8:15 A.M., my friends and I all go inside to the library. I am basically the “leader” of the student library assistants. I started in 6th grade, and I enjoy putting books back on the shelves in alphabetical order. I talked to one of the librarians about the student equity ambassador thingy – majiggy, too. Then, advisory, which is dreaded by most kids, but I sort of like it. First block, Spanish 2. Nothing interesting, really. Bunch of Quizlets, which I hate. Second block, English, which is usually fun, but alas, I had MAP testing that block. I did good though… I think… Anyway, lunch; I ate a Lunchable and drank a Hi – C juice box. I wanted to go to the library, but because of MAP testing, I just helped out my 7th grade science and math teachers. Third block, Civics. We took our first Civics notes for the first time, and I made a mind map (If anyone wants me to post my own notes, comment below!). Last block, Science.  My class learned about the states of matter and their phase changes. At 3:38 P.M., school ended, and luckily my amazing Gramma picked me up because of the temperature. Anyway, a few YouTube videos later, it was 5:45. P.M., and it was time to go to a meeting about a possible Spain trip. I already knew that it wasn’t going to happen, but it was interesting. After that, I started working on this thing… my blog! Without instructions from my teachers, I may be doing this wrong. I might not have been allowed to work on this beforehand, but you know your girl is impatient. Ten years later, I finally started getting ready for sleep. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.

4 thoughts on “September 6th

  1. 1010516 says:

    Hey Joanna, It’s Brenna!
    I think it’s pretty interesting how you were able to record your blog even after-school, because I definitely always forget what I did in school when I get home. I also eat Lunchables for lunch! I have one packed in my backpack right now. My mom does also pick me up after school, however I take a bit of a walk to the corner of the street, where my neighborhood is located at the top of the block. I hope your days get more interesting throughout the year!

    • 1009085 says:

      Hi Brenna,
      I usually get bored once I finish all my school work, which is when I start working on my hobbies; Drawing, Writing, but especially now that I have my own blog! I feel like I can express myself in so many ways on this platform, it is truly amazing. Weird question; what is your favorite Lunchable? Personally, mine is the chicken dunks, because I am a kid at heart, awkwardly, and antisocially a kid. Anyway, see you in class!

    • Joanna says:

      I can see that, a lot of people are like that. Personally, I love learning, so going to school is kind of fun (?), except when there are a lot of jerks. Don’t be a jerk!

      Live, Laugh, Love

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