Ode to Stars

By: Srishty


Waiting for the sun to set

for the lingering warm hues of day to fade

out of the sky

like water trickling

through a stream

in the woods


Only to be replaced

with the inky black dome

of the night sky

Like a blanket

with a myriad of stars

piercing through


Those beacons of light

seeming to us

inside our encased

cocoon-like worlds

as though they were still

living entities

and not only remnants

of long gone souls

somewhere in the universe.


Isn’t it funny?

that our stories

our myths

and our history

are intertwined

with points of light

that are memories of what

there used to be.


Then again,

should we not all aspire

to have such lasting legacies

as do the stars?


Even though

their light faded

like a dying flame

millions, billions, trillions of miles away

the vestiges remain

as a reminder

and a remembrance


We can only hope

that the memories

and the stories told

after we leave this world

are eloquent as the ones

told by the stars in the night sky