Watching the flowers

By:Rachel Murray

flowers are blooming

adding lots of nice colors outside

Soft and vivid hues


bees genty hug them

going from one to the next

bees eagerly buzz


warm air pervading

stroking the beautiful plants

as they dance gently


the sun now setting

flowers now looking golden

signing off the day


Harrison Nordstrom – Waiting

The tapping of pencils against plastic desks.

Fidgeting feet against the cool concrete floor.

A murky sky, threatening rain on this day of celebration,

just visible through the small round window.

The “zzzzt” of jackets on the backs of some of us.

Squeaky desks cutting past the Ac’s deep rumble.

A sense of anxiousness becoming more apperatant.

We didn’t speak, afraid of the teachers glare on the back of our heads.

All eyes on the door, waiting for freedom.

Screeching bells alarmed freeing us into Summer.